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We have rich experience in growing, harvesting, selecting, processing, packing, refrigerating, and exporting with high quality & low price. Our company has strong economic strength and complete quality control system.Green Valley is a leading company in the import and export of spices, herbs, seeds, and other products from Egypt. The company has import and export operations in Europe, Russia and the Middle East. We offer the best quality, high quality, clean and healthy products with competitive prices..

Product Categories


Green Valley for Import & Export Co. we have the best quality fresh SPICES which we export to Europe, Russia and the Middle East


Green Valley produces various agricultural SEEDS of high quality and competitive price to our customers in Europe, Russia and the Middle East


Green Valley produces and exports many OTHER PRODUCTS . We have a global market and customers trust in our products.


There are many types of medicinal HERBS that are used in the pharmaceutical industry and many other industries, which are cultivated and packaged through the Green Valley Company, which offers the best always


The high quality DATES and all its derivatives are collected and processed by our factories and are prepared for our customers without impurities and with very high quality.

Exporting Phases


Growing & Harvesting

Growing & Harvesting is the last process in which the product is in the field. Growing & Harvesting is done by industrial machines, processed and transported to our factories for processing and packaging.


Processing & Packing

The product is processed and packaged by industrial machines equipped and cleaned. The product is packaged in special packages for each product


Refrigerating & Exporting

After the product is filled, it is transported to cold places before exporting to maintain it. Green Valley products are exported to Europe, Russia, East Asia and the Middle East

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