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For Import & Export

About Green Valley

We are committed to serve the needs of our customers with the best services and delivery keeping in mind the international market standards By our mature research and professionals team.

Our Mission

To grow profitably through operational excellence, and sustainability in supplying fresh produce. we will deliver value by delivering fresh produce solutions with sustainable quality and integrated service.

Our Vision

Our aim is to providing the best of nature whilst developing the most efficient and sustainable fresh produce solutions, in close cooperation with our customers and suppliers.

Why to Choose Green Valley for Import & Export

We do it fast

The speed of implementation required and implementation at the least times is one of the most important characteristic of our customers and so witness


Distinguishing our fresh products of high quality is what made the Green Valley always at the forefront


We always strive to satisfy our customers by providing our maximum information and best products

What Our Clients Say's?

" Pellentesque tempor tempor rutrum. Nunc sed ligula maximus, interdum purus sed, tempor justo. Pellentesque risus sapien, lacinia vehicula maximus mollis, rutrum quis ligula. Maecenas semper magna vel sagittis blandit. "

-- Spicy Villa

" Nunc sed ligula maximus, interdum purus sed, tempor justo. Pellentesque risus sapien, lacinia vehicula maximus mollis, rutrum quis ligula. Maecenas semper magna vel sagittis blandit. Pellentesque tempor tempor rutrum. "

-- Global Herbs

" Maecenas semper magna vel sagittis blandit. Pellentesque tempor tempor rutrum. Nunc sed ligula maximus, interdum purus sed, tempor justo. Pellentesque risus sapien, lacinia vehicula maximus mollis, rutrum quis ligula. "

-- Dawood Dates

" Maecenas semper magna vel sagittis blandit. Pellentesque tempor tempor rutrum. Nunc sed ligula maximus, interdum purus sed, tempor justo. Pellentesque risus sapien, lacinia vehicula maximus mollis, rutrum quis ligula. "

-- Seeds of Diversity